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National Radio Series 2024–2025

Classical Masters

First Aired Nov 27, 2024
audio Audio / Radio Program

A Classical masterpiece is one that embodies the characteristics of this extraordinary slice of music's history. It contains energetic simplicity, beautifully spun melodies, and formal clarity. Anton Reicha's delightful D major Wind Quintet and Mozart’s last string quartet — his "Prussian" Quartet in F major (performed here by the Escher String Quartet) are two such works. One of the first composers to write for string quartet, Reicha mastered the form and in this D major quartet he captures the classical style filling this piece with lightness and grace. Mozart's F major String Quartet is the culmination of all the contributions he made to the genre of string quartet.


Anton Reicha


Quintet in D major for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, and Horn, Op. 91, No. 3 (1817–19)

Tara Helen O'Connor, flute; Stephen Taylor, oboe; Sebastian Manz, clarinet; Peter Kolkay, bassoon; Radovan Vlatkovic, horn

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Quartet in F major for Strings, K. 590, "Prussian" (1790)

Escher String Quartet (Adam Barnett-Hart, Brendan Speltz, violin; Pierre Lapointe, viola; Brook Speltz, cello)

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Lisa Marie Mazzucco

Tara Helen O'Connor


Stephen Taylor


Sebastian Manz


Peter Kolkay


Escher String Quartet
