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National Radio Series 2024–2025

Haydn & Dvořák

First Aired Sep 18, 2024
audio Audio / Radio Program

On this program of witty, warm quartets, we spotlight Joseph Haydn and Antonín Dvořák. First, the late String Quartet in G major, Op. 77, No. 1, by Joseph Haydn shows off his art for combining humor and emotional depth. The first movement makes you laugh, the second makes you cry, and the others are bound to make you smile. On the second part of the program is Antonín Dvořák’s D major Piano Quartet, Op. 23, a lush and touching early entry in his towering collection of great chamber works.


Joseph Haydn


Quartet in G major for Strings, Hob. III:81, Op. 77, No. 1 (1799)

Belcea Quartet (Corina Belcea, Axel Schacher, violin; Krzysztof Chorzelski, viola; Antoine Lederlin, cello)

Antonín Dvořák


Quartet in D major for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 23 (1875)

Jeremy Denk, piano; Erin Keefe, violin; Richard O'Neill, viola; Andreas Brantelid, cello

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