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One of the most popular chamber music ensembles among performers, listeners and composers alike, is the piano quartet. The piano quartet configuration bears rich fruit, as it contains the players for string trio (violin, viola and cello) and as well as piano trio (piano, violin and cello). This program of landmark piano quartets hails from the Romantic era, Schumann contributing the first great piano quartet of the 19th century, Brahms stoking the fire to create new heights of passion, and the young Gustav Mahler dipping his toe into the chamber music genre only once with this surprisingly powerful single-movement work. The concert is anchored by CMS’s longest-serving artistic directors, cellist David Finckel and pianist Wu Han, who make a rare appearance on the same tour.


Mahler Quartet in A minor for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello (1876)

Brahms Quartet for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello No. 3 in C minor, Op. 60 (1855-56)

Schumann Quartet in E-flat major for Piano, Violin, Viola, and Cello, Op. 47 (1842)



WU HAN, piano





This program is available for touring January 18-30, 2027

For more information about booking CMS in North America, contact David Rowe Artists Management.